Hi, my name is Anna.

I’ve spent the past several years in nutritional ketosis, sticking to a strict regiment of 25 grams of carbs a day. Yes – every day, for almost five years.

This isn’t a story about weight-loss, although that did happen along the way. It’s about healing my body, fixing a lot of chronic ailments, and breaking a few things along the way.

I’ve been documenting my journey over the past few years, and hope to help others by sharing what I’ve learned so far.

New here? Here are some of the topics I’ll be covering …

Keto basics — More on my background, how I stumbled upon keto in 2015, all the diets I’ve tried and why they didn’t work for me, why ketogenic diets are different, how I set my daily macros (fat, protein and carbohydrates), my transition to becoming keto adapted and when it’s time to make adjustments.

Food — What I typically eat in a day, sample recipes and meal plans, restocking your pantry, why I track exactly what I eat, and maybe you should too.

Exercise — Why I got off the treadmill, why being strong fixes (almost) everything, how the keto diet improved my recovery, and basic stuff I wish I had known a long, long time ago.

Health — The many ailments I fixed (like chronic indigestion, heart burn, serious skin issues, joint pain, serious allergies, etc.), some unwanted side-effects (like low blood pressure, cold intolerance and muscle cramps), what didn’t work for me, and other common misconceptions.

Migraines — My ongoing struggle with headaches and migraines, how it led me to go keto, and the many experiments I’ve attempted over the past two decades.

Sleep — My lifelong battle with insomnia and various sleep disorders, how it affects my mental state, how keto changed my sleeping patterns, and all the home remedies I’ve tried.

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