Seed Bread

Seeds are a great way to add vitamins, minerals and fibre into your diet. This simple bread recipe uses ground seeds (no almond or coconut flour). Use any seeds you like … chia, pumpkin, sesame and sunflower are my favourites. This recipe is low in carbs, and has a nice crunchy texture.

INGREDIENTS (4 servings)

  • 2 large eggs
  • 20g sunflower seeds
  • 20g pumpkin seeds
  • 20g chia seeds
  • 20g sesame seeds
  • 20mL olive oil*
  • 2g salt


  1. Grind seeds in coffee grinder
  2. Blend eggs and olive oil
  3. Add dry ingredients and salt into egg mixture.
  4. Pour into buttered/lined loaf pan
  5. Bake at 350°F (180°C) for about 20 min.


  • Mixture should have “jelly” consistency due to high fibre content. This bread will not rise in the oven.
  • Pumpkin seeds can turn the loaf green (this is normal).
  • If using aluminum pan, coat with cold butter to avoid sticking.
  • Baking times will vary by oven and mould type.
  • Cool before slicing. Toast before serving.


  • Use 40g seeds per egg:
    • Chia/flax/pumpkin → lower in carbs
    • Sunflower/sesame → higher in carbs
  • Olive oil can be substituted for melted butter, or reduced/omitted for lower fat version.
  • Be sure not to over-grind seeds (for better texture)
  • Add herbs, rosemary, fennel seeds, onion flakes or garlic powder for more savoury bread.
  • Add dried cranberries (grind with seeds) for a hint of sweetness. Just be sure to add the carbs.


195 cal | 17g fat | 1g net carbs | 8g protein

* Note: Instagram post shows 10mL of olive oil in list of ingredients … this should have been 20 mL. Macros are correct.

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